Health & Safety

AT Build Africa, health and safety of our clients and workers is a prime concern. 

We Prioritize Your Health

We design, plan and organize all projects with your health and safety in mind. We understand the important of shelter and how safety is very key. 


At Build Africa, experience have made us understand that, a successful project thrives on quality, safe and clean services to both commercial and private clients. Health and Safety are two of our Company's most important legal and moral responsibilities. Health and safety are recognized, implemented and maintained from a legal, humanitarian and economic perspective.

We believe that a superior safety approach is indicative of assertiveness and responsiveness to employee needs and policy procedures. Build Africa strive to safeguard our employees and the general public, so far as reasonably practical, from injury, annoyance or risk during all company operations and activities. The outcome is worth the effort, as it maintains our constancy and vision as top achievers in the construction and development environment.